Newsletter 23 – April 2017

Written before cyclone Debbie, I just hope it finds you all well and safe with not too much damage to our great city of Home Hill. (The future capital of North Queensland!)

Home Hill another good news month unbelievable.

New Park Shelters

Lloyd Mann Park is to get a shelter with table and benches a plus for the traveling public as they might just stay a little longer for a look around.

Another new shelter is to replace the old one in the Lions Park this will add to the upgrade at the Diorama making it a great stop for a short rest.

Banners Ordered

The new banners for 8th Avenue have been ordered.  It has been a long overdue exercise but they will be up soon and brighten up the area along our major thoroughfare.

New Road Markings

The last bit and most important is main roads are going to remark 7th Avenue where we have the bypass / come turning lane heading north into 16th Street and 17th Street to make this a lot safer for people living along this strip and not having the worry of a B double running up your rear.

Cut the To-do List

Now getting back on the bandwagon in regard to council.

I was hammered for being a critic, and yes, I’m critical in a contractual way.

The Advocate on the 3rd March reported to say I was not happy with the ever-increasing number of projects that council is taking on and that I feel that the staff are under excessive pressure to deliver the large number of tasks plus forever new developments. True.

There are only so many hours in a day and it is just humanly impossible to deliver on all these projects in a reasonable time.

Some tasks/developments have been on the to-do list just too long. And I’m only talking about the Home Hill side for this newsletter.

So, what am I doing to help solve the issues?

Just by highlighting this problem and not accepting any new jobs.  This is not taking into account emergency jobs but physically I can’t do anything to change this.

These are my personal views only.

To contact me

You can contact me on my mobile phone or by emailing me.

Mobile Phone

0439 822 064
