Local Economic Development at its best
The Comfort Stop is still very popular and well used by the travelling public even though we have this Corona Virus epidemic. The local economy has still benefited to a small degree.
Here is a low cost economic development that works (see the picture).
Some local entrepreneur has taken steps to supply local veggies to the travelling public and locals who want to avail themselves to fresh veggies.
Payment is by an honour system. All think it is a great idea.
Home Hill Footpaths
When was the last time Council cleaned the footpaths in the vicinity of the Doctors Surgery?
At present they are an eye sore, it stinks, is a health hazard and it is an unforgettable experience trying to negotiate between the pigeon sh#t.
But don’t hurry to clean it up because it’s in Home Hill.
Unsafe steep angle of the road near the Doctors Surgery
While we are on about safety in the vicinity of the surgery, consider the steep angle of the road to improve pedestrian access.
What rubbish from the Department of Main Roads that this problem could not be easily repaired due to drainage and that it is not the fault of repeated reseals of the highway. Who are they kidding?
A small suggestion for the engineers… why not just cover the drains – this can’t be too hard. If this can’t be fixed how in the hell are you building the new highway and bridges between Ayr and Townsville?
Come on federal, state and local elected politicians get behind this minor project if you think it is important enough to help the community.
Sugar Cane Sculptor
Council was to install a sugar cane sculptor last year. This was to replace the sculptor that was made many years ago by Joe Rigano.
So I was wondering what happened to this project?
Everything was in place, it was to be made locally, except where to put it. At the time it was to go into Lloyd Mann Park and then the trouble started and no one could agree where it should go.
My suggestion is to use the Lions Park somewhere in the vicinity of the harvester and vacuum pump.
Local Newspapers
Yes! – we now have a new local newspaper covering the greater Burdekin Shire and beyond.
To keep it viable, we all need to support this venture, whether you just buy the paper or advertise in it.
In the same token don’t forget the Home Hill News is available in print form through various retail outlets, online and via email.
It has filled the gap for years with relevant news concerning Home Hill.
Low Water Pressure
There have been complaints about low water pressure, check your pipes and taps for leaks and if the problem persists call council.
Snap Send Solve App
Should you have a complement or a complaint or any other issues in regard to council business such as a water, drainage stray dogs, dumped cars etc., you should try and send it through on your mobile phone using the Snap Send Solve App.
To do this use the free down load from App Store or Google Play it is simple.
Take a photo of the incident, send it to council, you will get confirmation that your request has been lodged.
Try it!
These are my personal views only.
How to contact me
You can contact me on my mobile phone or by emailing me.