Newsletter 65 – February 2021

Home Hill Water Tank Site

New water storage tank

Good news – council has finally started on the potable water storage tank next to the water tower, a bad start with all the rain around.

Keep in mind that this job is on 2nd Avenue and needs to be kept open and safe maybe with a one way only for local traffic. (See picture)

New van for Radio Sweet FM

Radio Sweet FM has gone another step by purchasing a van (see picture).  This van will soon be covered in bright sign writing to let everyone know what it is.

This will make outside broadcasting a lot easier, as all necessary equipment will be in the van protected from the weather ready to go to all events.

Sweet-FM Van

Need to save old CWA sign

The Home Hill Coral Society has moved to the main street and in the future their old hall, which previously belonged to the CWA, will be demolished to enlarge the park.

Maybe the old CWA sign should be pulled down and saved as a historic item before the hall is demolished. (See picture)

CWA Sign

How do we make Home Hill a better town?

How do we make Home Hill a town of balance to be more attractive by sharing ideas and knowledge?

A community must keep moving forward as the consequences of staying still are detrimental to us all, both to the people that live here and the travelling public?

We/you must do something no matter how small or what you are doing as long as we don’t go stagnant and bring this community to a halt. If you can’t be active, be vocal at least, after all you/we all live here this is our space.

Is our expectation far greater than what is achievable?

Maybe a support programme with agility and problem-solving abilities are vital to attract artist of all genre or turn empty shops into town houses.  To make this happen it would need private enterprise. If government of any level is involved it will be in the never-never.

In other words, someone with foresight and cash would have to come forward – a big ask I know.

Sorry about getting on the soap box with the above as I’m passionate of where I live.

Camber of the road in 8th Avenue

In Dale Last MP December newsletter, he mentions the problems with the camber of the road in 8th Avenue – an issue that has been going on for years.

Home Hill Chamber of Commerce and I have brought up this issue to many and all politician’s in regards to the camber of the road.

Making it almost impossible to get out of your car if you are elderly or worst still you haven’t got the strength to keep the car door open while extracting yourself from your vehicle.

Dale stated that he has raised the issue with the Queensland Minister for Transport and, to say his response was underwhelming would be an understatement. Despite the fact that the road has not complied with the applicable standards for 15 years, nothing will be done! (Bloody wonderful)

He also raised the issue with the Federal Minister for Transport who also happens to be the Deputy Prime Minister.

Hopefully, due to the fact the fact that the Federal Government provides the majority of Funding for the Bruce Highway he is able to twist the arm of the Queensland Minister.

You would think that a road that is outside the guidelines and is causing people distress and injury would be a priority.

These are my personal views only.

How to contact me

You can contact me on my mobile phone or by emailing me.

Mobile Phone

0439 822 064
