Newsletter 27 – September 2017

Economic Transition

Many shires around the country are in economic transition this is a fancy way of saying there is an economic down turn.

This is a fact, just look around, and we are part of what is happening.

Home Hill is not a remote town, we sit astride the Bruce Highway.  Is turning to tourism and welcoming visitors a key to manage the decline in business in Home Hill?

Rather than managing the decline, maybe we should look at the former study that was carried out for Home Hill sometime in the 1990’s that recommended our town be the Arts and Craft centre for the Burdekin.  This has started with the Artisan Group moving into the empty shop next to Ashworth’s rock shop a good move for Home Hill.

It’s a hard one with no easy solution and if you have an idea please let me know as anything could help.

Talk about your concerns and any solution you might have.

Encourage a Village Feel

I also believe that if we increased the number of trees we would get more of a village feel, not to mention the added benefit of shade in the summer months.  This is a cost to council and would be offset by more people stopping over and spending just a bit more and again it might create a new job or two

Could Home Hill be turned into another Montville, Maleny or Childers? In fact most declining towns are chasing the cultural dollar in south and west Queensland and use their individuality and local pride to sell their town and location.

Council is on the track with the upgrade on Inkerman Hill.

Keeping an Open Mind

We should be proactive to achieve and create jobs, seeking and keeping an open mind for a future for Home Hill, yes this is easier said than done.

New people have new ideas, just have a look at what the Home Hill Bowling Club is doing, it is all positive.

And again could a major sponsor help? But to what end?

But without the help and the backing of the absentee landlords nothing but nothing will happen in fact it is in their interest to help otherwise their shops will remain empty.  I’m not sure if they will read this.

On the positive side I spoke to the owners (who live in Newcastle, NSW) of the three empty shops next to the newsagent. They will be back soon to give the shops a facelift and I was told the rent will be very reasonable so as to get a return on their investment.

Shop Wall Facelift

With the help of Ross Tapiolas we were able to gain permission to paint the wall on the three empty shops facing south across from the town clock this will create a cleaner and fresher look as you drive into Home Hill.

Water Aeration Upgrade

The State government is trying to help with the aid to Councils with Works for Queensland and has been of great benefit to this shire and in particular to Home Hill.  Good news is aeration for our water supply in Home Hill is very close to being fixed and updated after many years.

Council Caravan Park Upgrade

The council caravan park is getting a major upgrade and this will start shortly, the footpath in 8th Avenue has been cleaned in places but pigeons remain a great problem.

These are my personal views only.

To contact me

You can contact me on my mobile phone or by emailing me.

Mobile Phone

0439 822 064
